Kitchen Quiz Episode 2
Kitchen Quiz Episode 2: Kirsten Gilmour (The Mountain Cafe/KJ’s Bothy Bakery)
For the second in our Kitchen Quiz series of short interviews with our amazing authors, we zip up to our favourite Kiwi in the Cairngorms Kirsten Gilmour, or KJ as she is known to many.

KJ was the lady behind the fabulously successful The Mountain Cafe Cookbook. A real cooking bible of tasty soups, exhilarating salads, hearty mains and delightful baking, this is a cookbook that every kitchen shelf simply needs to have.

Kirsten is now focused on her latest project, KJ’s Bothy Bakery knocking out demon breads, scones, buns, meringues, muffins and swirls to those lucky enough to live nearby her in the Highlands.
We caught up with KJ to ask her a few quick questions while she stopped briefly for air….
Sit back and relax. It’s time for KITCHEN QUIZ!!!
Q: Hey KJ, hope you are doing good! So was there a cookbook that really inspired you?
A: So many cookbooks inspire me, but I love The Edmonds cookbook from NZ. It’s a classic that all parents give their kids when they are leaving home. It is just packed full of good simple recipes that work. It’s pretty dated in some ways now, but it remains close to my heart and the baking recipes always work!

Q: What is your favourite item in your kitchen that you simply couldn’t do without?
A: My magic scraper! It’s a dough scraper I use for cleaning dough, scone mix & cookie dough off my benches. I also use it for portioning my bread, cutting pastry & it’s just the business.

Q: Do you have a favourite song, type of music or podcast you like to cook to?
A: NZ music mostly like Fat Freddy’s drop and The Black seeds. They are great for a boogie while cooking.
Q: If you could cook anywhere in the world in any location then where would you choose?
A: Tuscany. I would love to learn more on Italian food culture & skills

Q: If you had to give one single piece of advice about cooking to someone then what would that be?
A: Relax! Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun and don’t be hard on yourself if something goes wrong.

Thank you so much Kirsten. You are always a total champ and a star. We can’t wait to try your baking delights from your bothy bakery as soon as we can get up there!
Buy The Mountain Cafe Cookbook here
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