A great time was had at our launch party for The Killer Cookbook at Dundee Literary Festival. Raising funds for the University of Dundee’s Million for a Morgue campaign, a packed house were there to hear the Killer Cookbook ringleader, Caro Ramsay, and her criminal co-horts Russel D. McLean, T. F. Muir and Craig Robertson discuss food, killing and everything in between. Highlights? Caro Ramsay’s description of one of her villains watching TV eating chips, (it was all in the detail, you don’t want to know where he was keeping the salt) and Craig Robertson’s recipe for human blood pudding (it thickens faster than pigs blood, by the way). Professor Sue Black presented Caro with her very own mug shot courtesy of illustrator Steve Carroll, and then everyone turned to the buffet of sick snacks prepared from the book. Thanks to everyone who came along to make it such a great night.